
The Fr H S David Foundation given a complete education, with special attention given to each child's needs in Sri Lanka.

Purpose of this website is to provide information about our foundation and to get help from the people who wish to support our services. 

Message from the Chairman

The Rev Fr (Dr) H S David Foundation will celebrate their inaugural session of the establishment of the Association on Friday the 28th of June 2013 . . .


Message from the Secretary

It is indeed a privilege and pleasure to inform the establishment of Rev. Fr . H .S.David Foundation on 28th June 2013 at Colombo . . .


Our News

The photographic portrait of Rev. Fr. David was kept on a small table, which adorned the auditorium. Fr. David's image that was captured in a glass and wooden frame was even visible from the top row of seats. His penetrating eyes were looked as if they were gazing at each and everyone present there.


Criteria of Fr H S David Foundation Scholarship Award

For Successful Candidate at Grade 5 Scholarship Examination

For Successful Candidate at GCE (O/L) Examination



For Fr H S David Foundation to provide the life the children deserve, we rely on the support of donors. We and our children have been blessed by those who have given so much in the past, but as we need to expand and improve our facilities, more funds and supplies are needed.

The donors who wish to support our hands,

Commemoration Programme's Videos

(More Videos)